Since the magazine receives the most direct financial benefit from the use of the images, it is most often the magazine that pays the photographer for the necessary license. The publication typically contacts the photographer directly and pays a fee commensurate with the value the images contribute to the magazine’s success…
The publisher may refuse to pay this fee, either as a negotiating ploy or an attempt to shift its editorial cost to another party. It is in the publisher’s interest to get the license at the lowest cost, of course, and he may sometimes play a little hardball. However, most photographers have established pricing, which is based on the value that the images bring to the publication. Despite the publisher’s protestations, it’s quite rare that a publication truly cannot pay. When that happens, it’s a sign that the total publication is soon to fold, because rights licenses are such a small part of the total editorial, printing and distribution cost.
If the publisher can’t or won’t pay for the rights, the other option is for the architect to obtain the editorial-use license.”
– American Institute of Architects in conjunction with the American Society of Media Photographers in the “Commissioning Architectural Photography” guidebook